
Welcome to

St. John’s Lutheran Church


We are proud to present a home for ALL our educational information, not just Sunday School, but also Confirmation, Adult Education, Family Education, etc.

Thank you for joining us and come back often to see what is happening at St. John’s.


Sunday School:

Sunday School is starting very soon! Rally day is Sunday September 10, 2023. Please use this registration form to sign your child(ren) up for the 2023-2024 Sunday School.

Please print and fill out the Registration Form and return to the office or email it to the office at



Along with the beginning of Sunday School, Confirmation is also coming. The kickoff to Confirmation will be the Youth Alive event on September 13, 2023 at the Gillett High School. This will be an Awesome event for the youth and the parents.

We have a brochure available for download HERE with more information about the Confirmation class.

New this year is a web site to help keep on track with what your youth are learning. It is designed to integrate into the Confirmation class. Click the link below to register.




Adult Sunday School:

The Adult Sunday School takes place in the Church basement every Sunday at 8:30 a.m. coinciding with the children’s Sunday School.

We generally have coffee and some sort of danish or other snack that members bring. We have a regular schedule of lessons that we go through and discuss in a friendly, comfortable environment. If you wish to join us, Please stop in before Church and see what we are talking about. Also, If you have children in Sunday School, there is a check box on their registration form if you wish to check it to indicate you would like to join us for Adult Sunday School.


Thank you and God Bless.