Present: Pastor Chris Byars, Jerry Luther, Marilyn Reichwald, Jon Simpson, Miles Winkler
Absent: Bill Block, Micki Carlson
Meeting was called to order at 7:06 p.m.
Devotions led by Pastor Byars
Motion to approve agenda by Marilyn, Jon MSC
CYF Report: Pastor provided updates on Stepping Stone Sunday, First Communion, and VBS
a. Motion to approve Rachel’s one day vacation by Jon, Marilyn, MSC
Motion to approve March Secretary’s Report by Marilyn, Jon, MSC
Treasurer’s Report: was mistakenly left in the office during the floor installation and was not available.
President’s Report: none
Pastor’s Report: working with Dan Wright on online outreach and giving. Pastor will review potential online giving with Finance team. Pastor is also working with Dan on job expectations.
Team/Organization items for Council action: none
Old Business
a. Treasurer; no updates, still searching. Jerry reported that Council Executive Committee moved low interest funds into a higher interest CD
b. Flooring: to be completed by Monday, April 22
New Business: none
Miscellaneous: none
Next meeting: May 15 at 7:00 p.m.
Motion to adjourn by Marilyn, Miles, MSC. Closed with the Lord’s Prayer.
Respectfully submitted by Miles Winkler