CYF Team Minutes: August 7, 2024

Present: Chris & Dawn Byars, Sydnie Patzer, Dan & Sandy Wright, Erik & Rachel Knueppel

Old Business:
We need to get registration in to Camp Luther for Winter Retreat

VBS recap meeting will be scheduled for August 18 or August 25 after church


New Business:

Summer Splash: play plinko, hand out chocolate bars are rewards, make a handout to invite families to S’mores Night

Confirmation Parent Meeting is scheduled for Sunday, August 18

Sunday School & Rally Day will be planned at the VBS recap meeting. We are looking to have a set schedule to follow each Sunday to make it consistent when we switch teams and to make it a little more like VBS

First Day of School is Tuesday, September 3. We will make signs and meet at 7:30am to cheer everyone on their way!

Family S’mores Night: Carl will be making food, we will provide s’mores stuff and lawn games. Sydnie can make up individual kits.

5th Sunday in September: We are going to try to get the younger kids involved, even if they just help their parents as they greet, usher, take offering, etc.

Christmas Program: Rachel found some old Christmas programs in the Sunday School office. Dawn will start looking at these and start coming up with ideas for our script!

Sydnie will look into a local mission trip idea presented to us by Sheri Wenzel: serving a meal at SAM25.


Next Meeting: September 25 at 6:00 p.m.
Submitted by Rachel Knueppel