2025 January: From Pastor’s Desk

“Walk in wisdom toward outsiders, making the best use of the time. Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person.”

Colossians 4:5–6, ESV


Another new year full of opportunity, so what do you look forward to this year? This is a question that we may not ask as we should, but it is good for us to reflect and ask ourselves what is important to us so we may make a plan to achieve it. This is good not only for us in our personal lives but also for our congregation and how we desire to live our faith out into the world. One thing is true if you don’t make a plan you will achieve that which you had planned. Plans may always be adjusted as necessary, but the goal should be to strive to achieve what you set out to do. The reality is God gave us a plan. These words from Paul are a reminder of that plan. How many of us have heard the complaints about the lack of manners we see in society? I know I hear it often and have had those times where I have lamented it. The better question we can ask ourselves is, what are we doing ourselves to reflect the manners we desire to see? We cannot make others behave as we desire them to behave, but we can set an example for others to follow. This is what Paul is reminding the Church to do in life. His words for us are seeking to help us be prepared as we enter into the world that may not live or understand how to live a godly life. We are meant to be set apart, but never to place ourselves above another.

So, how do we plan to live like this? First, it is important to begin with prayer. All things should start with prayer as we seek our Lord’s guidance in all aspects of our lives. As we seek the Lord we are given insights that may not have been open before us. If we look at the Bible, we will find that expediency is usually not the best practice to honor the Lord, how many good kings failed in the end because of expedient decision-making? To assist us in our prayers, it is important to be in the Word of God. As we prayerfully open the Bible, we will find great insight to understand the heart of God. It is good for us also not to forget to be in regular worship united in fellowship with one another in our Lord. Lastly, we can seek ways in which we may serve our community. As we seek these things, we may find great work and a great way to evoke transformation within our communities and beyond! Let us make a lasting impact this year and see how many hearts we may transform in Christ’s name. Amen! Amen! Amen!

  • – Pastor Chris Byars