Present: Pastor Chris Byars, Darrell Ruege, Ruth Milhans, Keri Hicks, Mel Reichwald
Mel opened in prayer.
Old Business:
Treats after the service on the 4th Sunday of the month: consider having water or lemonade for those who don’t drink coffee.
New Business:
4th of July parade: CYF will be giving out frisbees with VBS information, few decorations when using the wagon, looking for someone to pull the wagon.
Bake sale at the Harvest & Homecoming Days on October 12, 2024. Proceeds will go for the ministry of the church. Will need church members to bring baked goods for the event.
Finances printed in bulletin and newsletter
New online giving platform was described.
Idea of “Temple Talks” was discussed to update the congregation of where we are at, where we are going, what is happening in ministries, uses of the church, fundraising, VBS, studies, and to encourage people to be prayerful in supporting the church and its ministries.
Next Meeting Date: July 1 at 5:00 p.m.
Submitted by Keri Hicks