Women of the Church Minutes: June 11, 2024

Present: Dawn Byars, Laura Koenig, Helen Lisowe, Sharon Raatz and Nancy Stark

Meeting was called to order by Sharon Raatz with a prayer.
Secretary’s Report was read and accepted.
Treasurer’s Report was read and accepted.

Correspondence: Guest, Gary Jaeger presented to the Women of the Church checks in memory of his mother Nancy Jaeger.

Old Business: Again discussed donating kits to Orphan Grain Train or the Bay Area Pregnancy Center. Will do this fall.

New Business:

  1. Discussed reviving the Stamping for Jesus Ministry. Will see if there is any interest.

  2. Decided to gift a church cookbook to new members.

  3. Check supplies for Church picnic.

  4. Set Monday August 19th 9:00am as time to pack boxes for Orphan Grain Train.

  5. There will be no meeting in July.

Adjourned with the Lord’s Prayer.

Next meeting: August 13,2024 at 6:00pm
Submitted by Helen Lisowe, sec.